Best and Efficient Ways to Learn Algorithms for Beginners

Best and Efficient Ways to Learn Algorithms for Beginners


Machine learning systems often appear complicated and easily terrify the mind of a beginner. But whereas a suitable genre, context, and resources are employed, it is an enjoyable and educational excursion. We are going to share with you some most helpful and relevant techniques through which the algorithms can be easily understood when you are a beginner.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Basics

The primary feature to start mastering algorithms is to understand the fundamentals. Here we will focus on datasets and data structures that are the primary building blocks of algorithms. Some of the data structures in the list: arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs that have to be known before an algorithm is worked out.


Once data structures are internalized, then comes different ways of finding a solution in the form of algorithmic. Besides sorting algorithms (e.g. bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort, or quick sort), we will cover other algorithms such as binary search, hash table, and dynamic programming. As part of it, there is discussed how to write procedures like a loop or a procedure.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The main factor responsible for the algorithms’ perfection is practice. With troubleshooting you will make more and more accurate conclusions about the algorithms and become a specialist. The web contains numerous sites that supply builders of such platforms with algorithm challenges. These platforms frequently have a community of students, so if you face any difficulty, there is always someone to correctly guide you.

Therefore, it is equally important not to just commit rote memories of the solutions but to extract and learn reasons why they work. These will share your ways to deal with new situations, too.

Learning Through Real-world Applications

Using real-life encounters in learning algorithms is also another way to improve skills. When students are engaged with the emotional experiences of a story, such as sadness, fear, or joy, this can increase their interest and make the learning process more relatable. For instance, suppose yourself learning about graph algorithms by studying how GPS systems plan the shortest route between two locations. If, for instance, you face the issue of sorting algorithms, just observe how the database sorts your data.

Utilizing Online Resources

The Internet is an inexhaustible resource for learning algorithms and it is a place to learn a wide variety of algorithms from, for example, mathematics-based algorithms to others that are machine learning or AI-based algorithms. The internet is full of educational resources like websites, blogs, and forums where you can access a lot of information about algorithms with a thorough explanation, examples, and critique discussions. Platforms like GeeksforGeeks, HackerRank, and LeetCode contain loads of algorithmic problems along with probable solutions. To list a few too many, online courses are available on Coursera, edX, and Udemy with stricter learning paths intended to help people understand the basics of algorithms. It is true that these sources not only deliver this kind of theory to you but also allow you to apply the theoretical knowledge that you’ve just learned by coding challenges and projects.

Reading Books

Textbook truly is an amazing resource that enables us to fully explore the phenomenon of algorithms. It represents that they are patient with students who are coming from basic to high levels of algorithms. Some of the most used titles in this field like “Introduction to Algorithms” written by Thomas H. Cormen, “Algorithms Unlocked” written by Thomas H. Cormen, and “The Algorithm Design Manual” by Steven S. Skiena are highly recommended. They give not only algorithms but also a good comprehension of what the algorithms do using models, graphs, and other illustrations of how the algorithms get done. The books will give you exactly what you may need to implement the chosen algorithm from cover to cover.

Participating in Coding Competitions

About coding competitions, there is no doubt that they can be classified as an effective platform to make your algorithmic skills better. For example, Codeforces, Topcoder, and Kaggle hold coding contests regularly, which enables you to sharpen up and amplify your algorithm-facilitating skills. These competitions usually incorporate the solution of intricate challenges that will transfer valuable algorithmic knowledge. In addition to this, competing within these competitions is a great way to put your knowledge of algorithms to the test and helps you to tackle problems outside of your field of study making you a better problem solver.

Learning from Open Source Code

Platforms for open-source projects are a neat way to observe algorithms in action. Through studying the real-world applications of code for these projects, you will learn how algorithms are used in real programming projects. Platforms such as GitHubb and Gitlab host many open-source projects having code similar to any known algorithm that you could use. Programming is important because it provides you a better insight that can be valuable in future research and experimentation. Sharing my code as a newcomer is like being a learner of the community’s programming collective wisdom.

Joining Study Groups or Coding Bootcamps

Studying in groups or participating in programming boot camps will be some of the most efficient ways of acquiring knowledge of algorithms. Learning with the group or in boot camp allows you to pick insights from others who have had first-hand experience and it is a priceless experience because it allows your understanding to grow. These platforms deliver a directed learning environment that can sustain you until the completion of the course and maintain your interest and concentration along the way. Moreover, they give you a chance to embark on some hands-on assignments (hands-on projects) that allow you to visualize how algorithms are applicable in real-life scenarios. Besides that, you are often given direct feedback on what you have produced that will help you improve at a fast rate.

Following Algorithmic Thinking

Algorithmic thinking has a sense of a way of solving employing the setting of a clear-cut set of steps to be intended to be applied. It means that a particular sequence of correct actions is required and it is to be defined precisely. The crucial skill of understanding algorithms can only be acquired when practicing algorithms. For instance, it is not only about knowing how the current algorithms work but also training to create new algorithms to solve brand-new problems. First of all, learn to solve easy tasks and keep improving up to the complex concepts. This will enhance your thought process of problem-solving which is essentially necessary for the proper solving of algorithms.

Regularly Reviewing and Revising

Algo-far-reaching and complex field that computers keep forgetting things quickly. Revising frequently is what helps you stay well in advance of your knowledge. It is important to learn by doing. Hence, you must periodically review every algorithm after several weeks. This might consist of reviewing your course containers, solving disputable issues, or instructing others on the material you have been learning about. Through this process of teaching you have an opportune time to test your understanding of algorithms With the adored quote “To teach is to learn twice”, reviewing and upgrading your content will help you to remember for a longer period and improve your algorithm abilities continuously.


To sum up, the process of learning algorithms has entailed understanding the basics, relying on plenty of practice, and then applying the learned knowledge to real-life situations (cases). It is the first that seems difficult, but if you learn to be diligent and have the right technique, you will be amazed at how much your coding skills grow. Remember, no one becomes an expert without the initial stages of learning, and so what you are going through now is either the beginning or a bit of a repeat. Consequently, go ahead to take your first steps on the coding path and have fun!