Can I Use Google Images For My Website Or Blog?

Can I Use Google Images For My Website Or Blog?


In this online space, images play a very crucial role in writing blog posts, and designing websites there is a famous quote if u remember “Visual Memories are the strongest memories”. Images enhance the overall quality of the website and blog posts. It also helps keep the readers more engaged and hence encourages the readers to read the blog till the end. Using the image showing the ambition of the blog post helps to gain traffic to your blog post. But getting these important images for your blog post from Google Images is not as simple as it seems.

Table of Contents

Understanding The Copyright Laws

Let’s understand the copyright laws in simple words. Keeping as simple as possible copyright simple means your right to the content you produce. Using that content without your permission of yours it considered to be illegal or not a good practice. But there is a way to do that in which u can use Google images for your website or blog without any copyright and 100% free of cost.

Risks Of Using Google Images

People tend to think the usage of Google images is free, easy, and quick way. But it is not as easy as it seems, in the past people have already faced legal cases and consequences. People who say they are free to use. Don’t fall into such scams and don’t get fooled by these misconceptions. It’s not the case, it’s not right to use someone else material without the permission of the owner. There can be Sanerio where u start your career in blogging with these Google images. In starting u might not find any problem as you and your website both are new in this field and people don’t know about your content as your reach has not yet achieved a recognizable level to be noticed. But later on, when you grow that much you may encounter some copyright strikes if you don’t use them wisely. Try avoiding such a situation but if you feel, you are in such a position you can’t avoid not getting suitable images for your blog and in that case you can try contacting the owner of the image for permission to use and have one copy of that saved one with you as a proof that u have the permission to use that images from the original creator of that image.

Possible Sources Of Images For Your Website Or Blog

These are the top 3 ways you can consider to source out images for your blog or website purposes:-

  • Firstly you can go ahead and search on Google for the image you want. 
  • Then click on Tools.
  • Now click on the Usage Rights option.
  • After that in the filter choose the option of Creative Commons License.
  • Now here is the list of all the images that u can use without any burden for free. These images are made for free-to-use purposes.
  • You can download copyright-free images from platforms like Pixabay, Pexels, Shutterstock, etc. for free with copyright-free licensing.
  • One prominent way you can consider if you are not getting the image. It exactly suits your use case then u can custom built the image from AI like the Bing AI chat feature which is by default in the Windows operating system and if you are a Mac user then u can consider going to the Bing search engine and then accessing the chat feature. But if you are a Windows user then you can directly use it but going to Edge or using the Windows copilot feature which was recently launched in the new update.


In the end, we would suggest using Google images should always be done with respect the copyright laws and embracing the effort and work of the original creator. But we already have provided tons of proper and legal usage of images on the internet. You can consider using those methods to create content more safely. Creating content is another and managing to produce content with proper rules is a different thing. Let’s make this online environment a much safer place to breathe and on this note, we will finish today’s topic “ Can I Use Google Images For My Website Or Blog? ”.