Can We Use Blog Content On YouTube?

Can We Use Blog Content On YouTube?


In this growing world, where world and digital era is growing at this fast pace, online creation platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc. are now looking forward to more and more new content and for this, they are slowly inclining towards old methods which are blogging content. As we all know thousands of blogs are written every day and people are now searching for something new and always trying to give their followers new content. Here, comes the bloggers who write and find new topics and write on them in detail, and later on the people start to read them and after that make videos inspired by blogging content. So finally in today’s blog, we will discuss the topic “Can We Use Blog Content On YouTube?” in detail:-

Table of Contents

Diving Deep In Blog And YouTube Content

To fully understand the knowledge of the blogs. It’s important to know the dynamics of both the mediums expressing importance. We all know the audiences of both the ways blogging and YouTube are almost the same, the only difference that we notice is the way the people who would like to consume as simply as the audience of YouTube wants an interest in the content and consuming it through video format whereas people who are the audience of blogs wanted to consume the content textual format as reading everything about the topic in detail. It sometimes gets hard to bookmark any point in a Video format because for that you need to save the video first and also the timestamps for the video if in the description is provided then it’s good. But mostly people don’t usually add timestamps in their videos and you need to do that manually so keep that in mind it becomes really difficult on the other hand people can easily keep track of blog pages and can save on the home screen with one click on “Add To Home Screen” in settings and can anytime later on and can only read the specific part in blog easily because it is easy to do that in blogs because they are divided into heading or subheading so you need not keep any extra effort to save any certain point and in these days bloggers also provide “Table Of Contents” which we also at provides in each of our blog posts where reader need not to go anywhere to find certain heading. All the headings and subheadings are already mentioned in the table of contents and people can go to any specific heading with just one click.

The SEO Advantages of Repurposing Blog Content on YouTube

Now let’s discuss in detail the SEO and other aspects of repurposing blog content on YouTube:-

1. Expanding Reach Through Visual Engagement

The first key advantage of repurposing blog content on YouTube is to go beyond your limits. As we all know visual memories are the strongest memories and in today’s era people first try to go and search on YouTube for their problem solution and if not solved then come to Google in some cases. And here comes you and your content. You can always have a space to transform your blog content into a video format. It does not mean that you should always try to make content on YouTube a priority and leave blogging, it does not mean that. The main thing that you need to focus on is that you can add one thing to your blogging, which means if you doing blogging then you also make a video format of the same blogging content for YouTube because it will help you to reach more and more audiences. After all, you are catering to both the blog and video format audience. Also, you can use this method to increase your blog traffic for example you can talk about 5 points in your YouTube video and say to your audience if you like this video till here in your last point then go ahead to my blog post and read the rest 5 points for complete knowledge on the topic in this way you are not only redirecting your audience to your website but it will going to increase the traffic for both of the medium. It means Vice-Verse you can do your blog too for example tell people 5 points in the blog and read the rest on my YouTube video.

2. Harnessing YouTube's Search Engine Power

As we all know YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world nowadays. You can now use this audience HubSpot to bring more and more traffic by using the strategic keywords of your blog in your YouTube Video’s Title and description. As we know SEO plays an important role in the traffic of your online content whether it is a blog or a YouTube content it doesn’t matter. This means if people search on Google then also your blog will come and on the other hand if they search on YouTube then your YouTube videos come and slowly and steadily your online credibility will grow more and more. And sooner or later people will search their query by your name whether you have produced the content or not on that topic rather than anyone else. If not produced then only they will consider going to someone else’s article.

3. Crafting Compelling Video Titles And Descriptions

Now let’s discuss more YouTube specifics from here. As we discussed above YouTube video titles and descriptions play an important role in describing the content made for. Now let’s discuss further more detail in about the Youtube video and its description if you want to grow your YouTube video then paying attention to the title and its description is the basic and the major part of the role. Make sure to always give credit to the website from which you have made the video because it’s important to give proper credit to the website from which you have taken the content. Even if your video is based on your blog still you give credit to yourself or your website. Because people will slowly and over time going to remember you, your channel, and your official website. When all the things come to the same place here the magic starts and sooner or later YouTube algorithm will notice someday or other for your consistency and will push you through their algorithm and then you will see your exponential growth that day. But to enjoy that one night you need to spend many nights to bring that one night success.

4. Transcribing Videos For SEO Benefits

We all know a person who don’t know the English language is always very hard for some other person to understand a video if the video is made in their vernacular language. To remove that barrier YouTube provides a subtitle feature to cater to your audience even from countries that have English as the native language though your video was not made in English language you always have the option to put English subtitles in your video so that people who are watching your video from English speaking country can understand. It is not always the case that only the English-speaking countries audience will be going to watch videos there can be many countries with their language who are going to watch your videos but the one thing we all know is that English is one of the most popular and worldwide accepted languages. Keeping that in mind putting English subtitles for example in your Hindi videos will help English-speaking people to understand your video or the notion that you are trying to convey. It also plays a very important role in SEO because we all know that videos that can reach more and more people have the chance of getting more viral or ranking than other competitive videos. Enhancing your are more SEO visibility will increase blog traffic because as mentioned earlier giving credits in your description or title of the website from which the content is taken or if you are redirecting your traffic from video to your blog you are at the end, increasing traffic.

5. Overcoming Challenges And Maintaining SEO Moto

As the time goes by. Some more important points are still to be discussed. Because when all the points that we have discussed already till now and the points which we are going to be discussed now.  Maintaining these pointers will make you feel sometimes low and hard to maintain your consistency. As we all know consistency is the key to success. Not just in your real daily life but also you need to ensure that consistency is a must for you to ensure that the YouTube algorithm or the Google search engine notices you and your website in the online world where millions of content is posted daily. With all these things kept in mind there is one more aspect that we should not forget is “INDEXING” which we have already discussed in detail in our previous blog. Click on the Read Here button and read that SEO article for complete clarity on the topic 


6. Custom Thumbnails And Branding

Custom thumbnails are one of the other aspects and the first impression of your video on YouTube when searched online. Giving eye-catching thumbnails to your video and your blog will have more chances of getting clicked and read or watched by the viewers than others. Branding is also to be important in this online space on the content you make online. Always remember to do branding on your thumbnails and other streamlines generated through YouTube and blogs. Branding also helps to increase the sense of trust and familiarity of you as a person and your brand. One more piece of advice that we will give you from our side is don’t clickbait thumbnails because maybe you will get traffic on the first go of your clickbait but that traffic will not last for long. Someday other people will stop watching you and your videos because they know the content that is posted online and the thumbnail of the video and the blog which you have written on it is different and may feel useless even to click.

7. Avoid Duplicate Content Online

It’s very important to maintain the uniqueness of your blog and your YouTube channel. Don’t post the content which is already available in ample amount and you are also posting on that same content. Because posting content that is already available in a good amount on the internet, there is very little chance that your content will be ranked because the players and the competition are high in that particular niche. And people will also prefer the content that is already on the rank one from over time.

Also, we know this fact that it is not always possible to find new content and new topics to write on. But the thing we can do is that first, we research the high-traffic and low-competition keywords and then write articles around it and make it rank and grow your website exponentially. There are several websites that you can use to find such topics and also paid tools are available if you are willing to invest. Here are all the websites that you can use for researching keywords online:- 

  1. (Free)
  2. (Paid+Free Trial)
  3. (Paid+Free Trial)

8. Strategic Internal Linking

We have discussed this topic in short in the above paragraphs. But now let’s discuss this topic in detail and the importance of “Strategic Internal Linking”. Internal linking is not just about linking your blogs with one another. But also this linking reaches your YouTube channel as well. As we have discussed linking always goes to and fro. You link one piece to another for more details and that other piece is linked to first for more details, these links go hand in hand. Also over some time search engines will also come to know that this website and that YouTube channel are linked to each other. For example, if a person searches for the website, then your YouTube channel is recommended and if the person searches for YouTube then your website is recommended. In this way, these things go hand in hand and increase your online visibility. You can also link your articles to one another. For example in your current article, you are discussing a certain topic and you have already written the content on that topic. Now you need not explain it again all the content instead you could just give a link describing that micro topic that you have written already. It also helps to keep the audience on your website for a longer period and increases the engagement time and authority of your website.

9. Diversifying Content Formats

It is very important to keep experimenting with the content posted, whether it is on your blog or on YouTube. People also want to see a new type of content and are expecting you to get the best out of yourself as much as possible you can on your YouTube channel or your blog. For example on your YouTube channel, you can try different types of content like podcasts, animations, etc. On your blog, you can post different types of content that are more user-friendly and first-person solving articles which today people try to search online but aren’t able to get solutions out of. On your blog, you can try experimenting with new niches. You may want to change the notion of your website and want to stick to the original idea of your content. If that is the case you can keep the content of the notion you generally post around, but in that same niche you can add in last or maybe in the paragraphs between your article on different niches to keep slowly and slowly enter the new field as well and your audience will also be able to get comfortable over the period as you keep introducing them to new and new topics.

10. Monitoring Analytics For Continuous Improvement

This is one of the most important parts that you need to keep in mind is monitoring. It really matters how your posted content on your YouTube channel or if your blog is actually performing. But also you need to keep measuring and tracking the statistics of your channel. Many channels didn’t pivot or try new niches and stuck to the original notion over and over for years and slowly and slowly they kept losing interest in their audience. 

But it is always important to experiment with the original notion of your channel to try out new things so that your audience is also not getting bored or watching the same type of content in every video of yours. Keep an eye on your stats so that you can notice any alarming situations and try working on that and grow gradually.

Conclusion Of Using Blog Content On YouTube

The total conclusion of all the points which we have discussed till now is that the integration of the blog and your YouTube channel is a great way to connect both of the audiences in a single place because the readers that are interested in reading the blog and the viewers that are ready to watch your videos both will be going to be met at a place where the content can endeavor. Also over the period when you keep posting content no matter whether it is a blog or a YouTube channel as a content creator, you should always get most of the audience from all the digital platforms connected with you. Also from the part of SEO, if you rank on both textual content and video format on YouTube, people will know you over the period about your online presence which will also help you to create your branding as we have discussed already. When you get a master in one category people definitely will search you with their query for example how to create an eye-catching thumbnail by Aditya Singh Tharran. See the name here in the search query is a personal branding presence on the internet where people trust you for searching about that topic and the content they will get in your videos or your blog. We wish you all the best for your online journey and digital presence.