Does Anyone Still Read Blogs?

Does Anyone Still Read Blogs?


Yes, people still blog a lot. Before we start let’s first know the meaning of blogs. Blogs are online spaces where people share their ideas in the form of content like articles, personal opinions, etc. In today’s article, we will discuss how blogs started for the first time, where they are currently, social media’s influence on blogs, and let’s try to imagine the future of blogs.

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Evolution Of Blogs Overtime

In the early 2000s, the main usage and purpose for most people was using blogs as their online diaries where they record their whole day and life experiences. But over time things have changed a lot from personal diaries to a more general framework. Now blogs are used for various purposes topics ranging from webspace, kitchen, technology, farming, etc. Earlier blogs were only in the form of text-based but now it has changed a lot to text, photos, videos, and other engaging stuff.

Current Status Of Blogs

As per the survey, 77% of internet users consume blogs in some way or other daily. There are millions of websites operating and producing millions of content each day. You can go ahead and find various niche blogs related to Tech, Finance, Health, Brand Management, History, and many more topics. We can imagine blog content as a digital library with loaded quality content from various niches.

Impact Of Social Media

Social Media has a huge impact on blogs. Earlier topics on which a user needs to spend a lot of time in searching content reading long articles. Instead of that nowadays people prefer to watch or we can say consume video format. It has both of its own merits and demerits. In the early times, people spent time on the internet to learn new things by reading blogs, etc. So, the waste of time is much less in comparison to today’s digital realm. We all learn new things nowadays too, every day but combing with some expenditure of time budget on some random stuff too. We don’t usually have any impact and growth but we do so for fun. This ultimately has one more benefit it leads to exploring new fields for people which means new career options emerge.

The Value Of Blogs

As we have discussed the other side of the coin already. Now let’s know why blogs are evergreen. Though video formats are emerging at a rapid pace. But the mind behind these videos means “script” The source for every information they speak in the video is extracted from someone’s blogs. It means they all are interconnected and symbiotic to each other. This means both can’t survive without each other. For professional purposes blogs are still the priority for everyone as written content can be used as proof but video format cannot every time. At the same time having a website, and posting blogs in some way or other shows how serious you are about the work for digital space.

Future Of Blogs

Now what can we expect from blogs in the future? The answer to this question is very simple as we already about the symbiotic nature. Which tells the evergreen future of blogs. In the future blogs will still be there but the medium may tend to differ. As AI emerging at such a rapid pace we can expect to have more AI influence in the future. Emerging AI tools like ChatGPT, Bing AI, Google Bard, etc. can lead blogs in some more exploring ways. We can see blogs as concrete buildings that are not going anywhere. Standing like monuments and sturdy.


In the end, overall blogs have started from a small space but now have become gigantic. As the internet emerges bloggers will get more opportunities to explore new fields to write about. Moreover, it will be going to enhance your overall digital experience. As blogs are easy to set up, they give voices to those unknown who always wanted to share their ideas, experiences, etc in this digital world and leave an everlasting impression. Blogs will always be important to everyone in this digital space and also offer a deeper, more trustworthy, and richer online experience.