How can one be well prepared to answer data structure/algorithm questions in interviews?

How can one be well prepared to answer data structure/algorithm questions in interviews?


Understanding the concepts of data structures is a mandatory prerequisite to facing any coding interview. This is the reason that these aspects are often the backbone of the whole problem-solving process which is where they measure your performance during the interviews. This blog will guide you on how to respond accurately to the algorithm and data structure interview questions.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Importance of Data Structures and Algorithms

They are the core of the theoretical underpinnings of computer programming. They play an important role in the best quality software designing and undertaking complex missions. A profound grasp of such phenomenon makes an essential part of initial interviews for coding jobs and also of mastering the skills of a software developer.

Building a Strong Foundation

The primary step for reaching data structures and algorithms is building a sustaining basis at first. Knowledge about the fundamental data structures such as arrays, linked lists, trees, linked trees, graphs, stacks, queues, and hash tables is the basic requirement. You should feel that you are accustomed to the operations, the time complexity, and the space complexity; you should understand what they denote clearly.

Mastering Algorithms

Once you are through with data structures and have a good hold of it, it is high time that you go on to algorithms. Begin with simple algorithms such as searching and sorting then progress on the more advanced algorithms which include dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, and graph algorithms. Recognizing what these algorithms do how they operate, and when to use them is a necessary step to find solutions to problems of a broader scope.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The best approach to improve data structures and algorithms is by doing as much. On the internet, there are plenty of pages which are just like Leetcode, Hackerrank, and Codesignal where you can practice coding problems. Big problems can bring you to your comfort level with the many data structures and algorithms.

Mock Interviews and Problem Solving

Having mock interviews as a warm-up can significantly reduce anxiety before a real job interview. Moreover, they not only assist you in becoming accustomed to the interview format but also foster your problem-solving skills. Solve problems not by relying on the available solution but by focusing on the underlying issues. This will also help you to develop a very valuable skill – the mindset of a problem solver, which you will be able to utilize during different types of interviews.

Understanding the Problem Statement

Evaluating and understanding the problem statement profoundly has to be done before you jump straight into coding. Spend some time the way you analyze the problem, actually identify the factors that can, directly and indirectly, affect the problem, and understand the boundaries that cannot be crossed. This will assist you in selecting the data structure for a given problem and suitable algorithms. Recognize, this is vital – the right problem comprehended, is already the problem solved by half.

Choosing the Right Data Structure

The choice of a suitable data structure for you could help solve the problem or narrow down the problem. The way the data is stored in an algorithm may have a vital influence on how efficient their respective solutions are. As an illustration, employing an O(1) instead of O(n) by using a hash table in some problems makes it faster. For this reason, it is necessary to grasp the characteristics and application of various data structure designs.

Optimizing Your Solution

There is a commonplace that debugging a certain issue may not only lead to solving the problem but also to code optimization. This task requires you to optimize all operations performed, for time and space complexity. Due to the Big O notion, analyzing and knowing the time and space complexity involved in the solution is a big move up. Besides, bow your hand to subject-solving approaches like dynamic programming and sliding windows.

Communicating Your Solution

Mean by that, it is not to solve the problem only, but you’ve to communicate your solution successfully. You should be able to tell why and how you selected the data structures and algorithms, likewise, also explain the time and space complexity of your program. Being a good communicator can shift your impression about your interviews to the positive side.


Preparation towards data structure and algorithm questions may not only be about theoretical knowledge but also need to implement the methods along with a good amount of practice. Here are some steps you can take to prepare: Here are some steps you can take to prepare:


  1. Understand the Basics: In the beginning, go over the data structures’ basics like arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs. Learn about their characteristics, reasons for their selection, and the complexity that is required for time and space considerations during the operations.
  2. Learn Fundamental Algorithms: Learn the fundamental algorithms e.g. sorting and searching algorithms, dynamic programming algorithms, greedy algorithms, divide and conquer, and graph algorithms, so that you will be skilled in the analysis and design of algorithms. Get acquainted with their operation and also how their computing time and space complexity influence the way they are implemented.
  3. Solve Problems: Now, try to practice what you’ve learned by solving coding problems that are available on different platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeSignal. It is better to start with the easiest problems and then gradually work on the medium and hard problems. In doing this, you will see how to model problems and as well as understand the applications of data structures and algorithms.
  4. Analyze Your Solutions: But don’t just settle for solving the problem, go further. Make sure to evaluate your solution’s efficiency. Effective or more efficient, is it? If so, how? Knowing this will let you do your job better as a developer.
  5. Mock Interviews: Take part in the simulation of interviews. This way you will warm up and will be better prepared for the real interview, you will get to know what kind of questions you might get and you will learn how to answer them more appropriately.
  6. Understand the Problem: Before really getting into solving the problem, please make sure you have thoroughly comprehended it. If you don’t understand, ask for an explanation. Example sentence: Human beings can understand the needs and emotions of animals, leading to a closer connection or bonding with them. It’s one-half that the problem that’s been understood is solved.
  7. Communicate Your Solution: As things get tougher in an interview, it is crucial to share how you come up with ideas when launched at a problem. This can help them understand with or without your help, quick cases can be solved.


Although working and answering data structure and algorithm questions in interviews may seem hard, with an appropriate approach and much practice, you will dominate in these topics. However, when it comes to the point, the aim is to absorb the main points, do exercises regularly, and train your mind to solve the problems. By keeping these tricks in mind, you have already positioned yourself in an advantageous spot to win your next code interview for your upcoming job.