How the U.S. and Mexico Successfully Reduced Border Crossings in an Election Year

At the peak of last year’s autumn, the largest migrant shelter in Phoenix was crowded; cots covered the cafeteria and all the hallways. However, today, that same shelter, which is set up in a former elementary school building is empty. This, I have identified is due to the joint efforts of the U. S and Mexico to curtail cases of illegitimate border encroachment. 

The Security Measures Implemented

In a span of the last six months, the U. S has been experiencing a sharp decline in the rate and number of cross-over of illegal immigrants mainly due to security enhancements that immigrants come across while in transit to the borders of the U. S from Mexico. On the Mexican side, there are now signs, guards, or checkpoints common on the highways. Also, Mexico’s National Guard patrols its south side of the banks of the River, especially hoping to avoid the formation of migrant groups. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson said that thousands of asylum seekers traveling north have been caught, taken on buses, and returned to southern Mexico near Guatemala. This strategy is likened to the children’s game of Chutes and Ladders by aid organizations because migrants are shuttled around the country in ways planned to dissuade them from traveling further north. These are some of the challenges that many migrants come across and as a result, they opt to go back to South America. 

The U. S. Response

The U. S. has also introduced new measures with concerns towards the Middle East. In June, Biden signed an order that barred migrants from being entered for asylum if found to have entered the U. S. via a non-port of entry. Thus, many migrants were expelled faster, and fewer individuals are released into the U. S The cooperation of both countries has never been seen before, as both leaders are motivated by the fact that this year is presidential. Each country wants to mitigate the number of people sneaking through the border and mute the public on the issue.

Consequences of carrying out the New Policies

Such endeavors have paid off in terms of the following findings. As of July 2021, about 57000 illegals entered the U. S whereas in December 2020, it was close to 250000, that being the record high illegals crossing. This figure is the lowest monthly figure recorded since 2020 but this is attributed to the fact that crossing was still limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “This is just what the administration wanted,” said Andrew Selee, the president of the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan policy research organization in Washington, on the verdict. “Not that Democrats are going to win on this issue but that with it soon the chaos at the border will not be in the news anymore. ” 

Ongoing Challenges

However, there are still many challenges that the regime is facing in executing the effort. Every day thousands of migrants cross the Mexico border, most of them are Venezuelans, and Mexico or the U. S cannot deport them because President Nicolás Maduro’s authoritarian government in Venezuela declined to take them back. Also, there is an increased probability of a new wave of Venezuelan migration as social unrest might emerge after the fraudulent elections of the Venezuelan president. 

Political implications in the United States of America On our information table, several rows headed by political implications led to our selection of this category. Republicans in the U. S. have shifted goals in a very short time about VP Kamala Harris, associating her with immigration and referring to her as Biden’s “border czar. ” The title comes after Biden tasked Kamala Harris in 2021 with depressing the factors that lead people from Central America to migrate. This was the subject of the ad that Trump released against Harris last week, his first TV ad.

At the same time, voters regard illegal immigration as one of the key issues influencing the choice of the president during the presidential election even if the frequency of border violations has declined. The situation in such cities as Chicago and New York is that shortly they have to accommodate and feed tens of thousands of migrants situated in the shelters for refugees. Based on a Wall Street Journal poll which was conducted when Biden was no longer included in the Democratic presidential election, voters still have a preference for Trump over Harris regarding the policy on immigration, 53% supported Trump while only 40% supported Harris. 


The sharp drop in the number of people trying to sneak in across the US-Mexico border in the last six months, the latter Put up to historic cooperation between the two neighbors. Although the introduced measures have led to positive results, there are permanent problems and political consequences. With the duration of the election in the country extending, the efficiency, as well as the plausibility of such measures will remain under check and balance.