Is It Advisable To Start A YouTube Channel Along With Blog During My College?

Is It Advisable To Start A YouTube Channel Along With Blog During My College?


In this fast-growing digital space, online content has been diversified so well that people coming from any niche background or specialization come into this and endeavor. It seems to be a nice question because at this age many students want to start a side hustle to start gaining some money and real-life experience which is acceptable. Now coming to the point of whether we should start or it is advisable to start a YouTube channel along with the blog in college or not the answer is simply yes you can start and in today’s article, I will discuss this topic in detail mentioning all the challenges prose and other things so that you can make a informed decision. 

Table of Contents

Diversifying Content: The Power of Multimedia

YouTube and blogging are the two prominent ways to deliver your content online to the audience. Both mediums are fantastic and you can choose your medium according to your need and your willingness, if you have an idea and knowledge about a topic and don’t want to show your face to your audience you can probably choose the option of blogging and writing in detail about the topic and deliver it on your website. Blogging is a very prominent way to deliver your content to the audience in an in-depth format on the other hand if you love to make videos or are comfortable showing your face you can also choose to use video format to deliver your content because YouTube allows you to present your content in dynamic and people love to watch the engaging videos and consume content.

SEO Synergy: Boosting Visibility

Integrating a blog and a YouTube channel with each other improves your SEO and gives your profile a significant boost. Google also prefers to show good SEO-optimised content to the people.  You can embed videos in your blog post of your YouTube channel and vice-versa. You can put the link of your blog post on your YouTube channel or video description box so people coming whether on your website will have a chance to redirect to your YouTube channel and the same way if your online video format-consuming audience will come, so there is a possibility that they would be direct on to your blog.

Building a Personal Brand: Multi-Platform Presence

In this competitive online space establishing your identity has become crucial. Starting a YouTube channel or your blog is a great way to step into this career opportunity.  Blog and YouTube channels are linked to each other or we can say symbiotic to each other because Google specifically delivers knowledge about the topic in two privileged ways which are blogs and video format which is YouTube. So maintaining a multi-platform presence is a smart way to stay ahead of your competitors.

Time Management: Balancing Studies and Content Creation

One of the major challenges that you may face is the issue of time management. As we all know college life sometimes becomes hectic. So many exams, thesis, projects, etc you may or may not get the time to do this kind of online stuff because we know very well that study is our priority for doing this online journey. You may have the notion to start but with no compromising with your studies. So we highly recommend first checking your schedule and if you have the time then the show must go on. Maintain a growth plan and or content planning and post accordingly. This is the best way to grow sustainably.

Skill Development: A Valuable Learning Experience

Managing a blog and YouTube channel requires a different skill set where for the blog you will need to learn practically how to write an article and on the other hand for YouTube and video creation, you will need to learn video editing skills and also need to learn how to speak in front of the camera. These two skill sets will not only help you in the small run but also the future, these skills will help you flourish and grow more.

Monetization Opportunities: Turning Passion into Profit

Both Bogs and YouTube channels will allow you to earn money means earning money from your passion. You will also be motivated in this journey because you are earning money from the thing which you like to do. There is no such boundation you can start any niche YouTube channel and a blog and post good and interesting content and then increase your traffic over time and earn good money. A few years earlier people were not very serious about this online earning method but over time people have now become aware and also vigilant enough to consider this a full-time career option.

Audience Engagement: Fostering a Community

Addressing your audience is a great way to build your community and grow sustainably. You can interact with your audience in both ways. In the blog, you can interact in the comments section of your blog, and on YouTube, you can have the option to go live and take doubts from the live chats and answer them in your video. Maintaining these will help you to stay connected with your audience.

Challenges to Consider: Realistic Expectations

Now keeping that above-mentioned point comes a reality check point. “Success doesn’t come overnight, you need to work hard every night to bring that one successful night”. There will be many times when you will feel demotivated and want to leave all this because in starting you will not get any response from the audience you serve. But being patient, setting realistic goals, and being consistent will get you results as soon as possible. Just don’t be demotivated and also keep this as a mindset as mentioned.

Leveraging Social Media: Amplifying Reach

In addition to your YouTube channel and blog, you should also consider social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Quora, Pinterest, Linked, etc. To post content simultaneously here also. Keep posting regular updates and also informing your audience about upcoming posts will help you to grow more and make your audience informed that you have posted the content or will be going to post and the audience should be ready to watch or read as social media has the huge audience capability and if you can maintain that then in very less time you will grow tremendously.

A Well-Rounded Digital Presence

As we have just mentioned it’s important to keep posting simultaneously on your YouTube channel, blog, Social media, etc at the same time because it will help you to flourish and also maintain your social presence. Because to post online on all these platforms at the same time you do not have to have to always create unique content. You can create one blog and then use that same script to write and make a YouTube video and after that, you can use the same content to make an image or post image and then post it on different social media platforms with the same captions, in this way within half an hour your whole content is online on majority multi-media and also in the eyes of Google. And when as soon as Google sees your consistency it will send organic traffic and rank your content online on Google’s first page.


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In conclusion, Yes you can Start A YouTube Channel Along With Blog During Your College. I have mentioned all the challenges, pros, strategies, importance, and everything that you should know to grow fast and sustainably. One more thing that I need to mention is that for testing purpose I personally made the YouTube channel and also worked on it for about a week with blogging as well and here are some results that you can see. Just in a matter of a week I was able to reach approx 75K views and you could do that easily. Also, you need to keep in mind that consistency is the gold key in this whole journey. The quality of your content sooner or later will be going to get improves when you keep making videos or writing content. One pro tip I would like to add is if you are not aware of how to make a content planner or don’t even know where to start in your niche. I am mentioning some important points and smart methods which you can use.

Firstly if we talk about content planners you can easily get that from chatGPT. It is a prominent and reliable source you just need to give the prompt and then it will do everything for you and give you the content planner of your niche. Now with well that said we are talking about content ideas, also you can get them from chatGPT nowadays, and you can search and find the established person in your niche and try to make the content like him/her. It will give you a headstart and also you go on Google Trends and see what’s trending on Google and what people are searching for more and try to make content around that in every format possible whether it is Blogging, YouTube or Social Media make content around the trending stuff and can grow your career much fastly as possible. We wish you all the very best for your online journey!


  1. Life Balance Nexus

    This type of perspective I have never expected. Thanks for such informative article! 😊

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