Is It Important To Use A Blog Theme For Better Reach?

Is It Important To Use A Blog Theme For Better Reach?


I guess if you reading you probably have a blog with you and have muggling up in your mind whether to use a blog theme or not. You must be struggling to find the answer to the following question:-

  • If yes then from where and how much will it cost? 
  • And do I need it?
  • Are any free options available with good looks?
  • Where can I get it from?
  • Etc.

Don’t worry this blog is the ultimate guide to teach u which and where you are going to find these amazing blogs. Just like humans have a backbone to support their structure and for that, their backbone plays a crucial role. Just like that Blog Theme is the backbone of your site. If you have a custom-designed website or a blog. The chances of people staying on your blog increase by 80% which is tremendous but usage of blog themes depends and varies from person to person. It means it is unnecessary to use a blog theme every time sometimes a simple-looking, minimalist design can also attract people depending on your website niche. You can imagine a blog theme as the outfit for your superhero which makes it stand apart from others and attracts people.

Table of Contents

The Role of Blog Themes

Creating Brand Identity

Branding of your blog starts from the very first date when u launched your website. Branding plays a crucial role when it comes to creating the first impression on your users when they will going to come on your website for the very first time. It is easy to find the readymade template but changing the elements with your branding is not enough. I would recommend playing around with different colour schemes, twink some changes according to your need giving the theme a fresh look. You can imagine a superhero with a custom design only for that specific person becoming a brand in itself. Nowadays if you consider a Spider-Man dress. The dress is the USP which makes it stand apart from rest and makes it unique.

Boosting User Experience

Using a blog theme is not just a matter of making your website more beautiful. It has some more focus-centric ambitions too. It means that using a theme allows your user to navigate your website much more easily than it was before. This practical implementation will make you stand apart. One more very useful purpose is to increase your website retention rate. If your content is good and people like it then one thing clearly understands it makes it a great chance that users will navigate on your website to read more articles. Not only it will increase your traffic but help you earn more money from AdSense. 

You can imagine two scenarios:-

  1. You visit a library and when you enter everything is dirty. Some books lying, and some our resting in cupboards in a dismantled way. Now in this case it will be very hard for you to find or navigate to a specific thing in that heap. Similarly, if you have not designed your website clean or cluttered it means people will find it hard to navigate your website which means for everything that they need to find they have to put in some effort which will result in an overall decrease in your engagement.
  2. In this case, let’s assume everything on its place and everything is managed in a sophisticated way where everything is easy to navigate. In a similar way when everything on your website is cleanly managed and all your blog posts are in their place then it will be very easy to navigate on your website resulting in more engagement and traffic. Thus try keeping your website neatly designed.

SEO and Blog Themes

Being Friends With Google

Maintaining friendship with Google is key thing which means the more the website is friendly and optimized with devices the higher the chances of your website ranking above in comparison to your competitors. Google prefers those websites that open and run seamlessly on most devices google prefers those with the vision that Google reaches and gives rich coated results to their users. 

Personalization And Customization

You can imagine your website as a set of Legos. Where u build piece by piece your website. You don’t have any break in your imagination. What u can do best is simply go explore various free themes of your choice. The Internet is full of content, and pre-build website templates for free and you can simply download and apply them and then customize the elements according to your needs whether to keep a specific element with specific settings or not. If you want you can also grow your website over time by adding more and more features on your website and grow your website slowly and steadily. Success does not come in one night you need to work hard multiple nights and days to create that one successful night.

Updating and Evolving Blog Theme

This is a very important point to discuss on it. Like a way where you can’t wear similar clothes every day similar clothes. In a similar you should always make some experiments and new update features made on your website. It shows and makes your user motivated and get a mood change which will help you establish your presence in your reader’s minds. As I have already mentioned evolving a blog theme is important. As I mentioned evolvment is a gradual process which takes time. Similarly, blogs will also evolve over the period if you’re doing blogging and have completed any article number between 100-150 you have noticed the improvement in your blog writing. For example, you can take the first article of your website and now compare that article with the latest articles of yours and you can observe the change in content improvement and your writing skills.

Common Challenges With Blog Themes

Most people download the theme from the internet. Which is completely fine to use as you know these companies and the original creator of the theme. They intentionally give you 2 versions for their users. These 2 versions are the paid version and the demo/free version. Mostly people who go for them prefers to take the free version and plan to shift to paid later on. And here comes the major problem is that most of these free blog themes have bugs as these themes were made months ago and later on never get updates and over time get outdated with the latest user needs. 

Choosing the Right Theme

The right theme which you can consider is that firstly if you can design them on your own then it would be very good. But if you can’t design on your own and don’t want to then also it is completely fine to do. Because it is not always necessary for you to be an inventor. If that thing is present in the market then buy it and move forward, do smart work, and focus on other goals. And if you going with a readymade template theme so i would prefer you to go with their paid version don’t fall into the trap with free blog themes as they will not last longer generally, especially for bloggers. WordPress has many free themes but the best part is in WordPress that the free themes also get updated from time to time making the theme performance much faster to load and in better SEO results.


In conclusion, I would simply say that a blog theme is necessary for your blog. And if you are in a situation or privileged to invest in premium themes you should go for that as the regular update is given to you from time to time which makes it much more efficient in your blogging journey. Blog theme not only gives your blog a better look but also helps your blog ranking because having a good blog theme encourages more users to stay on your website and more engagement leads to better SEO in Google’s eyes. And you know better SEO leads to more traffic and more traffic leads to more conversion for your affiliate links and generating more ad revenue. On this note, I will conclude today’s article on “Is It Important To Use A Blog Theme For Better Reach?”.