What algorithms and data structures should any software engineer know?

What algorithms and data structures should any software engineer know?


The algorithm is an established recipe to solve issues or complete the work. Beneath the surface of applications lies the processors that are responsible for the software operations. In contrast, data structures are per se by the role they play in terms of containing data that would be easily manipulated or accessed. A suitable and well-chosen data structure becomes the key to algorithm performance.

Table of Contents

Sorting and Searching Algorithms

Classifying and locating are basic functions of computer science. They are employed in different areas which include database management, software development, and designing a user interface among others. So, what sorting and searching algorithms are, will always be critical to any software engineering program.


Algorithms for sorting, namely QuickSort, MergeSort, and BubbleSort, manage to arrange elements in a specific sequence. These algorithms are the strengths and weaknesses, and the aim is to choose which of them for the execution of a particular task depends upon.


Two search algorithms like Binary Search and Linear Search, are used to find a specified item within a data structure. It is so the efficiency of searching algorithms hinges on the way the data is structured which brings us to the role played by data structures.

Data Structures

Data structures now being about organization and maintenance. The technical implementation approach of an algorithm significantly depends on the data structure that makes it faster, meanwhile, the wrong data structure can cause slow performance.


There are some most frequently used data structures every software engineer should master for example Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, and Graphs. Every of these structures on one hand has their various purpose usages, and capitalizing on one’s ability to distinguish and apply them suitably is the central skill.


To offer instances, arrays can help to both access and store elements at specific positions and linked lists are great for when there is a need for frequently adding or deleting elements. Stacks and queues are essential for tasks that require a precise ordering of operations while trees and graphs are the best fit for displaying hierarchic and connected data.

Graph Algorithms

Graph representations have the highest adaptability, which enables them to express the broadest of tasks in different fields of computer studies. As a result, decoding graph algorithms is one more necessary skill that programmers are recommended to figure out.


Among the very much more important graph algorithms are Depth-First search (DFS), Breadth-First search (BFS), Dijkstra’s Algorithm, and the Floyd-Warshall Algorithm. These algorithms can function in different cases including finding the shortest path between two nodes to detecting the graph cycles.

Dynamic Programming

The Dynamic Programming (DP) method is a practical and efficient tool one can use for tackling different types of problems by dividing them into more easily solved sub-problems. This technique is amazing in cases of the sub-problems overlap, that is when you’ve solved the same sub-problem several times. The DP technique performs two tasks: it saves time by unproblematically remembering the outcomes of the subproblems and does so very fast.


For instance, the Fibonacci series is the frequently encountered sequence, that DP solves. Instead of finding the same values again and again, we can do it just once with an array to have reusability that saves our time and makes it linearly complex.

Recursion and Backtracking

An example of recursion is a solution to a problem whose resolution entirely depends on solutions to some smaller instances of this problem. It’s a reality that is integral to computer science and a great tool for solving problems ranging from tree and graph traversals to classical algorithms purely.


Recursion by backtracking is a specialized form of recursion that is mainly helpful in optimization. It engages in more and more refined narrowing of the set of candidates, leaving it as soon as the decision is reached that no candidate is extendable to valid proof.


Hashing is a technique used to map elements of unlimited size to set number values. It’s used in different computer applications, like maintaining databases, cache memory, taking care of password storage, and so forth. Understanding the hash code creation process and proper algorithm selection will dramatically reduce the number of unnecessary lines of code mainly used for allocation.

An instance of this might be the hash table (hash map), a data structure that implements the associative array abstract data type, which constitutes an arrangement of key-value pairs. A hashing table calculates an index through a hash function into an array of buckets taking the desired value through the bucket.

Concurrency and Multithreading

In the fast-paced, multi-core processors, and distributed systems world today, efficiently leveraging concurrency and multithreading skills can no longer be neglected. These concepts facilitate many calculations to be done concurrently at the cost of performance, so you improve your program.


Concurrency is one of these features (of multitasking operating systems) whereby several unrelated tasks take place in parallel. In the meantime, multithreading is not the capability of a central processing unit (CPU) or a single core in a multiple-core processor to provide multiple execution threads at a time but rather concurrently, a multitude of independent software instructions referred to as threads can be processed together simultaneously.


To develop software that is quicker, easier to use, and can also scale easily, you must have a good understanding of the different concepts of concurrency and know how to use them correctly.

Object-Oriented Programming

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of “objects”, which can contain data and code: data, which could be associated using “attributes” (fields) and “methods” (procedures). The objects were defined by the concept of associative memory, where methods could also update and change data fields.


The weakness of OOP is because of metaphorical language that is hard to grasp above all it has a beautiful way of presenting software, organizing it very clearly, intuitively, and easy to maintain afterward. Fundamental concepts of OOP involve classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.

Big O Notation

The main concept is the limiting behavior of a function as the argument approaches a particular value or infinity, big O notation is a mathematical notation that objects to this issue. Big O notation is a tool in computer science that is used to distinguish algorithms based on their space requirement or run time as the size of input grows.


A systematic knowledge of Big O design is a prerequisite to algorithm analysis. It lets programmers assess the number of time and space portions of the algorithm to deal with a specific size of the data, and therefore to take the most appropriate algorithm for every situation.

Database Management

Data management can be described as the process of data storing, transformation, and pulling up from a database. There are two main types of databases: SQL is the widely-adopted structured query language (SQL) and NoSQL which is short for ‘not only structured query language’. The difference between the two types of databases is that SQL databases are relational, table-based databases unlike those in which NoSQL databases comprise document, key-value, wide-column, and graph databases.


Knowing and using both types of stores, how to build an entity-relationship diagram (creating, reading, updating, and deleting operations, as well as how to write complex queries is a crucial task for every software engineer.


Networking is not only about passing information from one person or computer to others but it is also about the exchange of other things like resources. It handles the basics of how data is transmitted and received over the Internet, including different protocols such as TCP/IP and HTTP, and also how to write code that can manage to access and share data over the Internet.


A software engineer designs many applications that are connected to the internet and thus mastery of networking is key. This may imply writing a server that responds to requests from a client, an API making a request, or sending live data over a WebSocket.


Summing up, algorithms and data structures are the lifeblood of the whole computer software system. They are the top-level foundation of solving computer science problems and are the inseparable tools of a software engineer. After gaining full control of these principles, software engineers will be able to write more proficient, creative, and powerful code.


Note, it is not the only thing in becoming a software engineer where you merely know a lot of algorithms and data structures, but you need to know the right timing and the method to apply them. Then, make sure that quizzing yourself, studying often, and coding are all part of your learning process!