What Should Be The Size Of A Niche Blogging Content?

What Should Be The Size Of A Niche Blogging Content?


Over time blogging has evolved a lot. It’s way more different today in comparison to the previous old days. Earlier it was very easy to rank your content online on any particular query due to very low competition. But now everything has changed in this digital era. I am phrasing this era as the “Digital Era” because in today’s time from ordering food online to shopping to payments everything these days in today’s times is online. In reality, people have forgotten to go to banks/ATMs to go and collect cash. Instead, they prefer to pay online because of the ease of its use. With this note let’s dive deep into the journey of “What Should Be The Size Of A Niche Blogging Content?”. As we have discussed due to amove mentioned, competition in blogging has increased significantly. Because of this, there is an ample amount of information already available online in niches, and then in between that trying to establish a new website in multi niche arena will be challenging so it is better to start your blogging career with a niche blogging and establish yourself the master of that particular niche. Let’s discuss about this in detail:-

Table of Contents

Quality Over Quantity

Now with that being said you should keep some points in mind. Though you are going to be a niche blog your content is. But don’t forget that quality matters more than quantity. You may get an idea that to get your website ranked online in a particular niche you should not post just a quantity of content over and over just to fill up your website. Ranking your website is in no way connected anywhere to the quantity. There are tones of websites including ours (adityasinghtharran.com) where very little content means a couple of articles were able to rank on the first page of Google because quality content and good research have 10 times more chances to get ranked on Google in comparison to those quantity plagiarised content. So try writing researched, well-presented, and quality content.

Audience Preferences

Understanding audience preference is a very good habit to make. Continuously monitoring your audience’s likes dislikes and feedback will help you to know which topics you should continue writing and on which topics you should discontinue writing. You must know which type of content on your website is getting the most viewership so that you create the content on that kind of topic and attain the most audiences as much as possible. It’s very important to keep a check on these like comments and all which most bloggers in beginners usually neglect.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is one of the later topics for intermediate bloggers usually but beginners should know in starting to brush up on this topic and later on over the period and experience start implementing it on their blogs to gain organic traffic to their blogs. Yes, you heard it write organic free traffic to your blog. I know you all have already heard about the domain authority and paid traffic via Google ads, Facebook ads, etc. But in reality, u do not need mandatorily any of these to gain traffic else you should try on and research the topic with high traffic and low competition. Write on those topics which people are finding a lot but are unable to find the relevant solution for their query. You become the problem solver and hence flourish as much as possible. There are many free and paid tools to find such kinds of keywords and you can easily find that on Google. Some of them I am mentioning for you.

List of tools for keyword research:-

  1. Ahrefs (Paid)
  2. Semrush (Paid)
  3. Google Keyword Planner (Paid)
  4. MOZ (Free)

Topic Complexity

One of the major challenges that you may face is the topic complexity. This means that there must be a lot of times when you feel some topics are difficult to explain in your own words. But it’s the effort that came into play from here now. You need to understand that topic very well first on your own and later. Try explaining tough topics by breaking them down into small pieces and hence get on the big chunk gradually. This problem most of the time comes when you are doing niche blogging because niche blogging involves some insightful knowledge about those topics that people don’t usually write about and instead of those people you are writing on it will be obvious that you will face this kind of problem. But don’t worry you will get through it.


Now all we have a topic about till now about the challenges that you may face during niche blogging. Now one more thing that comes into role is consistency. It will become sometimes frustrating and irritating to write on the same niche again and again and again research in the same niche so you may get into a situation where you get demotivated and break your consistency. Blogging is not a one-night rich scheme etc. It is a year of consistency that together combines to bring up that one successful night. So it is true you can earn a delightful livelihood by blogging but it requires time and effort and also patience and consistency to become successful in this career line. And 99% of bloggers failed because they couldn’t even maintain the consistency for the first 6 months. You need to wait and have patience all together to be in that 1% successful bloggers.

Diverse Content Types

I know you can’t go beyond your niche for diversification of your content. But one thing that you can do is try reaching all the sub-niches of your niche and also try conveying your content to different modes not just solely through blogging. You can add a relevant YouTube video also in your blog post to convey content. Try making summarized posters on quick edit platforms like Canva. And post that content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. With this, the awareness of your content will gradually spread among people, and soon or later you will go to get attention towards your blogging and the content provided.


We all love to read content with no grammatical errors, properly presented, cleanly arranged, and interesting content with legitimate pieces of information. Here you need to write in such a way that people if anyone reads 2 para of your blog then they shouldn’t resist reading the whole article in this way you are increasing your audience retention which means how much time people stay on your blog to read it and didn’t skip to the next one. You always try to maintain at least 50% blog retention to grow rapidly in the field. It means people who are coming to your blog should at least read the 50% article. I know you must be thinking then why not try for 100%? Practically it’s extremely hard to achieve 100% viewership because people search for specific query answers and as soon as they get their question’s answer they would simply leave the article right away. So try creating some sought of hook into your article to maximize your reach.

Monitoring Analytics

Analytics is not something to be afraid of and unsee it. Because it tells a lot about your blog and how it actually performs and also it helps you to give a detailed analysis. It will also help you to know which content you should continue to write and which you should discontinue writing. It is a way for your audience to convey to you the performance. Most bloggers in starting ignore and continue to keep posting content without even knowing whether the type of content they are posting is performing well or not. To maintain consistency with results keep an eye on the content performance because you should try writing on that topic which people usually love to read and later on when you can achieve a certain amount of viewership every month then you can go on to experiment with something new which you always wanted to know.

Competitor Analysis

Competition is everywhere in every field likewise the competition is blogging as like as other. When you post content online there will be competitors of yours and you will be the competitor for others. So keeping an eye on a competitor is wise advice because know what people from your niche are established. See what type of content they are posting online in that niche and also be able to attain an audience with that. So they will also keep an eye on you too like maybe let’s imagine a situation where you found a new topic and you wrote about that and it also gets ranked because the competition is almost close to 0 and just because no one has posted on that topic already. So, you also need to ensure that your article is top-notch and unbeatable because if an established blogger catches you then he will also write about the same topic but in more detail and research and your article has the chance of getting beaten up because of your competitor’s experience. Sooner or later you will discover about that on your own. You do not need to feel tension about that in starting just focus on consistency I have just shared it with you so that you will already be aware of the competition and if you face any kind of situation like this then you will not be blank.

Evergreen vs. Timely Content

Now one more interesting thing to talk about is the major difference between evergreen vs. timely content. It’s better to understand this with the help of an example. Content that one written does not need frequent updates over time as content written in it will be true forever. Like 2+ 2 = 4 will always remain the same. Likewise, plants do photosynthesis to make food and if you write about that then it will considered as evergreen content on the other hand you wrote a blog about mentioning all the discount coupons currently going till the independence sale on Amazon is considered to be a timely content. This means after a certain amount of time the content written or published will not be valid anymore and the relevancy of the content is only for a certain amount of time.


The conclusion that I would like to conclude is that in this whole article, we discussed niche blogging and tried to give an angle that most people are not able to see. As a blogger on my own and having experience in this field for years. I hope my advice will be fruitful and you try avoiding those mistakes that slow down your growth in this field also coming back to an article I detailed gave you about the challenges, merits demotivation, and alerts that you must be concerned about. And final note is that blogging is not a quick rich scheme. Blogging requires time, effort, consistency, and most importantly patience then only you will be able to flourish in this field. I wish you all the best for your blogging journey.