Which Platform Is Best To Pursue Writing Blogs?

Which Platform Is Best To Pursue Writing Blogs?


In this online era, we can observe the boom of writing blogs. As more and more people engage on the internet cataracts more and more people figure out more opportunities to share their ideas and their voice in this dense jungle. And nowadays we can do that in various ways and blogging is one of many opportunities that we are going to discuss here today.

Table of Contents

Understanding The Growth Of The Blogging Industry

Recently due to having so much exposure and seething the growth of blogging many platforms have come up these days. Giving new bloggers the chance to come up and showcase. With their drag-and-drop builder websites, people now have come up with more than before. Let’s discuss some popular blogging platforms.

Popular Blogging Platforms

WordPress For Writing Blogs

WordPress allows you to make your blogging website in the easiest way possible. With a humongous amount of customization options, WordPress is definitely in the lead in comparison to any other platform. Not just blogging if you want to go beyond that you can do that by enrolling ads publishing networks like Adsense where you can earn money from the traffic you get on your website and WordPress allows you to do that in a few clicks. Not only that if you want to have any kind of feature you want to add you can accomplish that just by using some simple one-click downloadable plugins. All these factors combine to make bloggers their first choice to choose as their blogging platforms.

Medium For Writing Blogs

Medium is another very good blogging platform. You can write articles and get them ranked 1 on Google just in 24 hours if you have done proper SEO optimization. Its user interface is very simple and cleanly designed with no confusion. But the biggest drawback of this platform u doesn’t get any customization options. At the same time, there is no scope for personal branding and personal awareness as all the articles that will get published will come under the medium publications which is the owner of the platform and all the publications will go by their name and you are only the writer. Though the recognition is given to you as you are the owner of that article ultimately medium publication is being promoted. 

Another drawback is the major and the most disheartening. If you belong country like India, etc which is out of its publication partnership program. You will not get even a single penny for that even if you get millions of views just because you are not in the country partnership program. You can write an article and take advantage of domain age authority and get your article ranked on Google but it does not make any sense as you will not be going to pay for that.

Blogger For Writing Blogs

If you can’t afford to buy the domain and hosting for blogging or just want to give it a try, you can do that by Blogger which is a google Google-affiliated product. You do not get much but a decent amount of customizing options to start your blogging career as if you “Something is better than nothing” With this mindset you try stepping into the world of blogging which is a very fruitful way to start. As it is google affiliated product it is completely free to use no need to buy any domain and hosting but still if you want to. You can attach your custom domain to your blogger website from the perspective of personal branding. Also, it allows you to run ads and earn from what you are serving. The drawback is that low customizing leads to low professionalism of your website and ultimately leads to a less satisfactory user experience. Also, blogger contains a lot of indexing issue which leads to lower visibility of your website and also lower the revenue. But you always have the option to explore other platforms and can also affiliate marketing angle to earn money from your ranked articles.

Linkedin For Writing Blogs

Linkedin is also a good option to consider for blogging for those. Whose main goal is not traffic and money? Rather than that their main goal is to establish a skill and professional working people with a profile like you and the area in which you are producing content. Here you can establish a good community but there is no direct way to earn money from that. If money is not your goal then try writing on Linkedin from today. You can earn money from affiliate marketing if you want to. But the main purpose of LinkedIn is not blogging. It is a professional working social network.

Considerations for Choosing a Blogging Platform

See choosing a blogging platform is an initial and crucial step that u can take on your personal goals. As one answer cannot suit everyone’s needs. Because if there are multiple scenarios.

  1. If you are a working professional and want to increase your network then Linkedin is a better place to post articles. For better career growth, salary hikes, etc. For these goals, they need a network with people in that same field. They can increase their network by writing articles from their field and ultimately organically gain followers and later on go for some bigger opportunities.
  2. If you are a serious blogger and want to pursue it for a longer time. Then you can choose WordPress. All the benefits that come with WordPress I have discussed already. If you know to get results in blogging you at least need to do that for 6 Months at least. And to pursue that for that amount of duration, you need a customized website with your likement and the back of the mind motivation. Because you have invested money to do blogging you would like to do better than the free platforms.
  3. If you are a newbie and just want to be hands-on with the experience. Also want to explore new insights into blogging and don’t have a budget to invest then you can go ahead with Blogger. It will be completely free to use lifetime with no hidden charges. And can explore this field on your own. Try and error will also help you to self-learn this vast industry.
  4. If you are an affiliate marketer and just want to promote products through your articles then you should consider using medium. Firstly it is a free-to-use platform with good SEO. If you write a little bit of a good article about a topic you will easily get ranked without any problem because of the medium.com privilege domain age authority benefits and can target a bigger audience in less time with no monetary investment cost.


All the points that needed to be discussed to choose the right platform for your use of blogging. We have mentioned everything with all of the theory’s merits and demerits and also. All the information that I discussed is based on my personal experience of 6+ years. All in all, I would highly suggest you to think back your purpose of blogging. Don’t fall into traps of “QUICK MONEY” from blogging. All these people who say these are scammers and just want to take their profit by selling you guys their own paid courses. And all that information and more, rich, better, and trustworthy information I provide you free of cost. A pro tip that I wanted to give is that If you are a little bit serious about blogging and want to pursue it. Go ahead with WordPress! No Doubt. One-stop solution for your every question. On this note, we end today’s blog on “Which Platform Is Best To Pursue Writing Blogs?”.