Why did artificial intelligence fail in front of human intelligence?

Why did artificial intelligence fail in front of human intelligence?

The Unparalleled Complexity of Human Intelligence

Human intelligence is the cosmic plasma in nature resulting from a prodigious millions of years of evolution. Its power has been reflected in our capacity of identifying patterns, reasoning, and making analogies; to apply it for understanding the principles, and the ability to use these properties for the sake of creating and shaping the world around us.


The other one is ‘Artificial Intelligence’ – a relatively novel area. Giving credit to its outstanding accomplishments, we should bear in mind that such type of intelligence is inferior to the one which human beings possess, in terms of complexity and responsiveness. First of all, the main shortcoming related to this is the basic deficiency of AI algorithms. They are built to work with the data giving them the ability to use which data they are given to make predictions or decisions. Though, they do not possess the skills to understand the context, interpret uncertain information, or make decisions by using intuition or thought, some of the notions that make up human intelligence.

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The Limitations of Artificial Intelligence

AI agents’ performance is contingent on the quality of the data they are fed. Thus, they can be tricked away by adversaries who can make ill-intent changes in data just for the malicious results. Such flexibility is the major chasm between machine reasoning and human intelligence when it comes to the last, which can get the sense out of vague or incomplete information.


Besides, AI cannot express emotions and adroitness, the most intrinsic elements of human intelligence. Despite the work that has been carried out to develop AI-driven systems capable of recognizing and responding to the emotional spectrum, they are still far from perfection and not able to cope with all emotional aspects of an interaction.

The Lack of Common Sense in AI

Intelligent Artificial life, maybe the same as human life, has one thing called ‘common sense’, that is, it does not have ‘common sense’. It is, however, the ability to pick up on non-verbal cues that are not exactly stated. People intuitively close the gaps with this natural sense. An example of this would be, whenever we throw a ball up in the air, we all have a hunch that it will go back down to the ground subject to its gravitational force. Though this would entail the explicit programming of the AI to grasp the laws of physics, it is not such a significant difficulty to overcome. The fact that AI systems are not able to independently understand the world without any resemblance implies that such systems have a fundamental limitation.

The Absence of Creativity in AI

The human mind’s fertility is its singular unequaled nature. Here creativity comes to executive actualization as the thinker brings out beneficial ideas, approaches them differently, and makes associations between unrelated concepts. Seemingly, AI can uniquely synthesize already existing data, but there is no crafting of original pieces. AIs cannot invent something new by themselves without any previous data, or input. They cannot be able to dream or imagine. This problem of automatization is still another aspect where AI lags, being not as human as intelligence is.

The Inability of AI to Understand Nuance and Context

The human language is dynamic and filled with metaphors, humor, sarcasm, local regionalisms, and cultural references. AI stumbles here then plays this game effortlessly. Even after the progress in natural language processing recognition, computer AI mostly cannot decipher the essence and the essence of words and phrases’ meaning. The use of sarcastic, humorous, and idiomatic expressions by the difficulty faced by AI. Where machine intelligence fails to comprehend the shades or amounting of meaning is the major disadvantage of it against humanity.

The Ethical and Moral Limitations of AI

AIs may also be limited when it comes to the ability to make ethical and moral discretions. Humans perceive ideas of truth and wrong, and this perception influences the way we behave and make decisions. AI finds it difficult to detect complex human emotions. It does not see the difference between right and wrong, as it is not guided by any ethics or morals. This implies tremendous risk as the AI systems can be part of someone’s destiny in their decision-making now.

The Inability of AI to Experience the World

Human perception is perhaps the greatest feature putting our minds apart from the AI as it is the only door fully revealing the world all around us. We gain the insights of our experiences that then become the cornerstone of our outlook in the world we live in. Human-touched learning comes with hands-on experience, which is beyond the scope of artificial intelligence. AI’s viewing patterns bring to light the fact that although AI can understand the data and learn from it, it cannot feel the life that humans do. It is deprived to relish such feelings as a day of sunshine, a gentle breeze, or anything that helps one to sense what is happening. This unavailability to establish a connection to the world seems to be a fundamental limitation of AI.

The Lack of Empathy in AI

Empathy is a human capacity that is the only one in a kind among all creatures. It is an inherent quality that makes us compassionate and enables us to put ourselves in others’ shoes. This though tech-wise, AI may not yet have the capability to fully relate with human emotion as well. So far, efforts to develop AI systems that are capable of identifying and responding to human emotions have achieved limited success, and the systems have not been able to develop an understanding of human feelings that a person takes naturally. Firstly, AI has a known limit in showing empathy which is the main area in which it is flawed when compared with the human counterpart.

The Dependence of AI on Human Input

AI relies on the human creation for its information acquisition and performing various tasks. It needs to be fed data with varying goodness, and its output quality is dependent on the input quality and accuracy it has received. Unlike animals that are dependent on their instincts and reproduction for survival, humans can also think and make decisions independently. Autonomy itself is not something we need input from the source file or guidance, instead, it can be used to learn and make decisions on its own. This is one of the main differences that the intelligence of human beings now has and the AI has and will never have.

The Inability of AI to Deal with Uncertainty

Humans are smartly designed able to manage conditions of ambiguity and still make rational decisions even without all the information they need. We can just speculate, rely on intuition, and also logically think through unfamiliar and gut-taking situations. A.I. offers an advantage in terms of tasks that are based on large data sets, whereas it lacks in dealing with scenarios that have incomplete or ambiguous data. It requires stable, well-formed data for reliable operation because it is likely to have a huge drop in performance under uncertainty.


In sum, though, AI has unquestionably made giant strides in various fields, it has as many flaws as merits to exhibit versus the intricacy and adaptability of human intelligence. AI passes this test because this result is an indication of the deficiency of AI and the potential of AI to improve. We then can visualize one future outlook, in which AI enhances human thinking, enabling unusual and previously unreached heights.