Why Is Indexing Important In SEO For A Website?



Before we dive deep into the topic of indexing or SEO let’s first understand both of these terms in detail to get a better understanding of the topic. SEO refers to Search Engine Optimisation which actually means that if any piece of content needs to be ranked on search engine like Google and Bing it need to have SEO for their website which means a user-friendly way to tell the Google bots and Bing bots To rank this piece of content on the first page of their search engine it means giving the priority to their content in compared to their competitors in that same field. Writing a piece of good content on the web is a skill and ranking that same content on Search engines is another deal. If an article is written in an unorganized way but with good information it has a lesser chance to rank higher than an article that does not have that much content but if it’s SEO optimized with keywords and presented in an organized way. It has a better chance of being ranked better than anyone else written on that same query.

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Indexing insights

Now let’s understand what is the meaning of indexing:-

Indexing simply means registering the content written on their website on Google so that other people who search for the query can come to the article that is indexed on the search engine. To index a piece of content we need to do it manually by going to the Google Search Console for Google indexing and Bing Search Console for Bing indexing.

Without indexing the article written by you it is an unknown piece of content to the world. Though the article is still on your website it is not visible to other people in the world because to get it visible to more and more people. That content should be indexed on the Google Search Console or Bing Search Console so that other people can search the query and can come to your article and know that article is there on your website. Because if you do not index the article it won’t be visible to people searching on Google. For example, if you have written an article on how to become a successful YouTuber with very good quality content and a good length it doesn’t matter at all. It doesn’t matter how long and good quality article you have written but until and unless you have not indexed that article on Google it is invisible to everyone and searching on that query and you want to be getting any traffic on the article.


Indexing not only helps other people to see your content on web browsers but also helps in driving organic traffic, which is non-paid traffic to your website. Which ultimately bills your domain authority. We all know that the websites that drive organic traffic to the website get much more preference than any other website because organic traffic simply means that people are interested in reading your content and liking that content. And Google always tries to promote the good value content over the less quality content. So, in my opinion, don’t try to write an article just long because it should look better to people who are reading. The writer thinks that their audience will think that the person has researched more and has written more. But the thing does not work like that because, in the field of blogging, quantity doesn’t matter a lot but the quality matters. No matter how long the article is written by you if it doesn’t give the user who is reading that article the quality it is just a piece of website that the user will skip in seconds.

Pro Tip

One more preference that you will get with indexing and SEO is that if you keep on writing good value content it will be ranked on the first page of Google. Sooner or later you will come to feel that you are getting a little bit of privilege over other websites to rank articles more than the other websites that are writing on the same content. Just because you are writing good quality content Google has an image in the back of their mind about your website that this website will always be going to give good quality content to their user. So if you later write an article on the same topic you will come to know that Google gives much more preference than those who have written that article a way more before you. Just because you have better authority preference is given to you. Google always tries to give the best information from a legitimate source. This ultimately brings you more traffic to your website leading to more affiliate sales if you are promoting and more revenue from ads playing on your website maybe through AdSense and overall. A complete growth of your website. With this, we came to the end of this article which tells you the importance of indexing As an important part of SEO for your website.