Text Analyzer

Enter your text below:

Statistic Count
Total words 0
Total characters (with spaces) 0
Total characters (without spaces) 0
Total sentences 0
Total paragraphs 0
Avg. words per sentence 0
Top 5 Word Density

Dear Users of the adityasinghtharran.com. We are glad to announce that, we have added the new free online tools for the public to use. Kindly use it according. Some points to remember about the tool.

👉 The tool does not store any user details, etc with them. They took the content and will be erased after a short period if you want to refresh the tool. Then kindly refresh the tool. Due to its privacy maintenance, it is completely safe to use and also free to access.

About The Word Counter Tool

It is a word counter tool. The tool is completely safe and free to use online on our website. The word counter tool also provides a detailed analysis of the content you provide. The following mentioned things will be given to you.

  1. Total words
  2. Total characters (with spaces)
  3. Total characters (without spaces)
  4. Total sentences
  5. Total paragraphs
  6. Avg. words per sentence
  7. Top 5 Word Density

Pro Tip: To hassle-free access to the website. We recommend to bookmark the tab and use it seamlessly.